Robert Rickover
![Robert Rickover](robert.jpg)
Robert Rickover graduated from the School of Alexander Studies in London, England in 1981 where he also served on the faculty. He studied for over fifteen years with master Alexander teacher Marjorie Barstow and frequently assisted her in teaching her Alexander Technique workshops in Lincoln, Nebraska. Robert began a private teaching practice in Toronto, Canada in 1981 and maintains a dual practice since moving to Lincoln, Nebraska in 1990. He holds degrees in physics and economics from Yale University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Robert is a teaching member of the Society of Teachers of the Alexander Technique (STAT), the American Society for the Alexander Technique (AmSAT) and Alexander Technique International (ATI).
Robert is the Director of Alexander Technique Workshops – Bring a Workshop to Your Area and Movement Coaching by Phone He is the creator of The Complete Guide to the Alexander Technique and Body Learning, an Alexander Technique podcast. He is on the faculty of Alexander Technique Workshops of Omaha and the annual Nebraska Wesleyan University Solo Singer Workshop
You can contact him here. Robert teaches in Lincoln, Nebaska and Toronto, Canada. Visit Robert's personal website at
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